What AS400 software?

A very common confusion among users has occurred between AS400 and IBMi software. Due to several changes of names users persisted that these two are the same software which is wrong. These two are different and comparing them is the same as comparing hardware with software. 

AS400 software is also identified as System I, Application System 400, and iSeries. The common name is AS400 in which the server is designed by IBM aiming to serve small and medium enterprises.

1. Why should we not compare AS400 and IBMi?

As you can’t compare apples with oranges, it is not a good idea to compare AS400 and IBMi. IBM launched AS400 software the year 1998. The company aimed to primarily cover mid-range computers for small and medium businesses. This is the time it came to the operating system OS/400. 

AS400 software has evolved multiple times in the last few decades. It was first known as System I and later became iSeries which is currently recognized as IBM iSeries. IBM iSeries is considered to be the latest version of the original AS400 software. 

It is often said that IBMi is an embodiment of the AS400 system. IBM worked hard to develop all the hardware and operating systems to make them compatible with modern trends. The initial applications are pretty much compatible with today’s machines.

2. How is IBM AS400/iSeries more powerful than the original AS400?

The IBM AS400 software has developed new technologies and is more user-friendly for renowned brands and businesses. It works way better than the AS400 computer system. The original AS400 software launched by IBM in 1988 still exists as they did not change the name but the features are developed and transformed. 

When a new version of this software is launched, the IBM community makes sure to discuss its best features and significance.

2.1. IBM AS400 is more open;

According to the industry leaders, the original AS400 software is not efficient and robust. This is because the concept was designed for old technology. They have approved the upgraded version of IBM AS400 for it has all the updated features and technology.

The industry leaders were using POWER5 machines till they realized that they could achieve more from POWER9 and IBM AS400. The modernization of the system has helped a lot. 

The IBM AS400 has an open framework along with incredible integration. Starting from open-source authorized programs to cutting-edge RPM model software management- It has it all. The IBM AS400 has adopted all the new technologies along with an open-source interface. 


Due to several changes of names users persisted that these two are the same software which is wrong. These two are different and comparing them is the same as comparing hardware with software.  AS400 software has evolved multiple times in the last few decades. It was first known as System I and later became iSeries which is currently recognized as IBM iSeries.

Read More: How good is computer software prepackaged software as a career option?


Andrew is a professional writer with 7+ Years of experience. His style and uniqueness inspire and educate readers throughout the world.

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About the Author: Jason

Andrew is a professional writer with 7+ Years of experience. His style and uniqueness inspire and educate readers throughout the world.

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