Got symptoms of Ascension?

Symptoms of Ascension refer to a range of physical, mental, and emotional experiences that individuals may undergo during a spiritual awakening or a shift in consciousness. Ascension is a term used in spiritual and religious practices to describe the process of a person ascending to a higher state of consciousness or existence. It is often associated with the idea of transcendence, or the ability to move beyond the physical world’s limitations.

Ascension is seen as a path toward enlightenment or spiritual liberation in many spiritual and religious practices. This path involves the individual’s ability to transcend their ego and access a higher state of consciousness, often called a state of complete unity or oneness with the universe.

Explore Some Symptoms Of Ascensions:

1. What does Christianity say?

In Christianity, Ascension refers specifically to the final ascent of Jesus Christ into heaven after his resurrection. This event is celebrated on the feast of Ascension Day and is seen as a symbol of hope for believers, who see it as evidence that they too can ascend to a higher state of existence after death.


In other spiritual practices, such as Buddhism and Hinduism, the Ascension is seen as a path to enlightenment and liberation from the cycle of birth and death. This path involves a deep understanding of the nature of reality and the ability to transcend the limitations of the material world.

2. It is a personal transformation;

Ascension can also be understood as a personal transformation, one that involves shedding old beliefs and behaviors that limit personal growth and adopting new ones that promote spiritual development. This process often involves meditation, prayer, and other practices that help individuals develop greater self-awareness and connect with a higher power.

Ascension is a term used in many spiritual and religious practices to describe the process of ascending to a higher state of consciousness or existence. It involves the individual’s ability to transcend the limitations of the material world and connect with a higher power. The concept of Ascension is often associated with personal transformation and is seen as a path toward enlightenment or spiritual liberation.

3. Personal and Spiritual growth;

Ascension is a term that refers to the process of personal spiritual growth, which involves a significant shift in energy and consciousness for individuals. It is important to understand that Ascension is a process, not a one-time event. As such, the symptoms of Ascension may differ for each individual and may occur at different times along the spiritual journey. However, some common symptoms of Ascension are shared by many individuals who experience this process.

4. Physical Discomfort;

One of the most common symptoms of Ascension is physical discomfort. Many individuals report feeling a general discomfort or unease in their body, which may manifest as fatigue, headaches, dizziness, or digestive issues. These symptoms may be due to the changes in the body’s energy levels as it adapts to the new state of consciousness.


5. Emotional turmoil;

Individuals undergoing Ascension may also experience emotional turmoil, as old emotional wounds and traumas come to the surface to be addressed and healed. They may experience intense emotions such as anxiety, fear, and sadness, which can be overwhelming at times. However, as the old wounds are released, the individual may also experience a sense of peace and understanding.

6. Changes in Sleep patterns;

Another common symptom of Ascension is a change in sleep patterns. Individuals may experience difficulty sleeping or may have intense, vivid dreams, and a sense of fatigue even after sleeping for extended periods. These changes may be due to the increased sensitivity to energy, as the individual’s body adapts to the new state of consciousness.

7. Sense of Intuition and spirituality;

Many individuals also report a heightened sense of intuition and spiritual awareness. They may feel a deeper connection to their higher self or the divine and may receive guidance through their dreams or meditations. These experiences can bring a sense of clarity and understanding of the nature of reality.

Individuals undergoing Ascension may also experience a desire for inner growth and exploration, leading them to seek out new spiritual practices and deeper wisdom. They may feel a pull towards meditation, yoga, or other practices that promote inner peace and balance.



Ascension is a personal spiritual growth process that involves significant changes in energy and consciousness in individuals. Some common symptoms of Ascension include physical discomfort, emotional turmoil, changes in sleep patterns, heightened intuition, and a desire for inner growth and exploration. While these symptoms can be challenging at times, they are a sign of growth and transformation on a spiritual journey. It’s important to remember that everyone’s experience is unique, and treating oneself with kindness, compassion, and patience can be helpful during this process.



Andrew is a professional writer with 7+ Years of experience. His style and uniqueness inspire and educate readers throughout the world.

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About the Author: Jason

Andrew is a professional writer with 7+ Years of experience. His style and uniqueness inspire and educate readers throughout the world.

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